Sit Stand Desk Study Finds Employees Are More Likely to Stand
A sit stand desk has many advantages over a traditional desktop desk. For one thing, standing posture requires more musculature than sitting, which makes it more metabolically demanding and active than sitting. Additionally, many sit stand desks have many benefits over traditional desktop workstations, and they can be much cheaper. Desktop attachments are also available for a fraction of the cost of a full sit stand desk. But if you’re looking for the best of both worlds, consider purchasing a desktop attachment.
Lower Risks Of Cardiovascular Strain, Diabetes, And Obesity.
The study also examined how workplaces can encourage employees to switch from sitting to standing by providing information on postural change strategies. The intervention involved four telephone calls aimed at overcoming barriers to using the sit stand desk, which was accompanied by twelve behaviour change techniques. The study found that most employees chose to stand if it increased their overall productivity. However, the perceived loss in productivity made standing less acceptable. The implications of these findings are discussed below.
The study’s findings suggest that there are three themes that influence whether employees accept sit-stand desks. First, the context in which employees work influences their attitudes and perceptions. For example, employees who perceived standing to increase alertness and energy tend to use it more than those who did not. Moreover, employees who regarded standing as acceptable tended to stand more than those who were more likely to change their desk postures or engage in other intervention strategies. A third theme is that standing may be beneficial to employees, but a sit stand desk is not a panacea for workplace health.