Pest Control Maintenance Tips

pest control maintenance

When pest control maintenance infest a building, they can cause damage and disrupt operations. Pest control maintenance prevents these problems from arising in the first place. It can also save money versus more expensive treatment after pests have already caused damage and disruption. Rats chewing through walls can lead to electrical wiring issues, termites can destroy a foundation and cockroaches spread disease. A regular pest control maintenance plan for residential, commercial, warehouses, schools, restaurants, stores, hospitals, and other buildings helps keep these property investments in good shape for as long as possible.

Routine inspections of interior and exterior cracks, crevices, and gaps help prevent pests from entering a building or home. These areas can be hard to see, but are often the point of entry for rodents and flies. Moisture that soaks into interior walls and ceilings can lead to structural damage and mold growth, while leaky windows and doors allow air in and create HVAC inefficiencies.

Safeguarding Your Space: The Ultimate Guide to Effective Pest Control Maintenance

Keeping the property clean and free of food, garbage, and water sources helps to discourage pests. Regular trash removal, especially before dark, ensures that unwelcome critters don’t have access to a midnight buffet. Keeping kitchen benches and floors clear of food scraps, sticky counters and dirty dishes can help as well.

Regular cleanings, especially before and after preparing food, can help discourage flies and cockroaches. It’s a good idea to have food stored in containers with tight-fitting lids, and to use pest repellents around the cooking area. If using surface sprays, it’s important to remove food and utensils from the area so that the chemicals don’t come in contact with these items. Lastly, if a pesticide is being used, it should be targeted in out-of-the way places like along skirting boards and in corners.

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